Specialty Microscopes
Specialty Microscopes include a range of professional compound and stereo microscopes for more advanced or specialist microscopy applications. For example, fluorescence microscopes, polarizing and phase contrast, gemological and engraving microscopes as well as multi-headed teaching microscopes among others.
Microscope brands include Omano, Meiji Techno and Motic.
Simply use the Category filters in the left hand margin to quickly select the microscope for your specific application
Specialty Microscopes
OMSK1 Microscope Starter Slide Kit
In stock- Complete slide starter kit
- 50 Blank Slides, 100 Cover slips
- Immersion Oil
- Pack of lens cleaning paper
- Pippette
- 3 Well Slides
- Omano
50 Microscope Well Slides, 1.5cm Dia. Depression
In stock- 50 high quality blank well slides
- Centered well depression
- Ground edges
- 3 x 1" glass microscope slide
- Use for liquid specimens
- Omano
Microbiology Kit with Starter Slide Kit & Book
In stock- The Perfect Microscope Accessory Gift!
- Excellent introductory book
- Popular and comprehensive slide kit
- 5 Professionally prepared slides included
- Everything needed to grow bacteria cultures
- Includes 50 blank slides