Why did pi fail its driving test? 

Because it didn’t know when to stop…????

There’s nothing like a Pi joke to celebrate March 14th, Pi Day.

This magical little number never ends, and neither do the laughs. Because we’re full of Pi Day jokes, and we shout them loud every chance we get. Don’t spare your loved ones this year! When the moment is right, or isn’t, try these groaners: 

What’s the worst thing about getting hit in the face with pi?

It never ends…

What do you get when you divide a jack-o-lantern by its diameter?

Why shouldn’t you eat too much pi?

You’ll end up with a big circumference...

What do you get when a bunch of sheep stand around in a circle?

Shepherd’s pi

How many bakers does it take to make a pie? 


And, our personal favorite…

What did pi say while arguing with its spouse?

You’re being irrational.

(don’t try this one at home!) 

Anyone who puts up with our sense of humor deserves to save big on their next microscope purchase. From March 7 - 18th, you can get mathematically constant savings on everything at Microscope.com. This includes the best-selling OM36 40X-1000X Compound Student Microscope.


The OM36 compound 1000x microscope is a classic, affordable Omano compound microscope that has proven popular with middle schools, at the high school level, and through medical schools. With 1000x magnification, it reaches the limits of visible light microscopy

Check it out