Looking for a fun and meaningful way to celebrate Grandparents Day together?
What is Grandparents Day?
In 1969, a nine-year-old named Russel Capper sent President Nixon a letter. In it, he suggested that there should be a special day to honour and celebrate grandparents.
It took a little bit of time, and a lot of activism from a woman named Marian McQuade, but in 1979 President Jimmy Carter officially made National Grandparents Day a holiday.
Every year on September 12th, Grandparents Day is celebrated in countries around the world.
Whether you’re new to the grandparent club, or just looking for new ways to make memories together, here are 5 fun (and free!) ways kiddos can spend quality time with Gram and Gramps this year.
5 Fun Ways to Celebrate Grandparents Day in the Great Outdoors
1. Be birdwatchers for the day
Order a set of Smithsonian Great Outdoors Binoculars Set for your kiddos to gift their Nana or Pops, and help them plan a birdwatching day.
You’ll even receive an exclusive Smithsonian Bird Watcher’s Guide, to make sure you’re ready for a birdwatching adventure.
2. Run a microscope ‘field study’
Send family members - young and old alike - into the yard to collect samples to study under a microscope. Leaves, flower petals, and spiderwebs are good places to start.
Then head back to the ‘lab’ (aka grandpa’s house) and examine your samples under your scope.
Tip: If you’re looking for a kid-friendly option to ignite a passion for science in your grandchild, check out the best-selling JuniorScope. If you’re looking for a gift for a grandparent who’s also a microscopy enthusiast, you can’t go wrong with the Dino-Lite Pro.
3. Take a hike!
Bring a sense of adventure and wonder to your family by heading out to your favorite trail together.
Nothing bridges generations and brings us together quite like exploring new paths and enjoying nature.
4. Picnic in the park
What’s not to love about spending the day with your favorite people under a shady old oak tree?
Plan a day enjoying fresh air, warm sunshine and each other’s company with a Grandparents Day picnic!
5. Plan a backyard safari
Whether you head to the nearest hiking trail, neighborhood park, or just your own backyard, there are so many critters in our neighborhood.
It’s a great way to slow down, enjoy each other’s company and appreciate the world around you.
Gift your parents (or partner!) a new Smithsonian Spotting Scope for an even closer look at the critters out there.
We know nature brings generations together. That’s why we’re always looking for ways to make nature more accessible for kids, and kids-at-heart.
Whether it’s baby’s first gift to grandma, a way to celebrate your parents for embracing their role in your child’s life, or a gift to your spouse who has gone above and beyond for their grandbabies, it’s easy to find the perfect gift for a special grandparent in your life.
The Best Binoculars for Birding - Smithsonian Great Outdoors Binoculars Set
The perfect choice for bird watching, scientific fieldwork, or just exploring and enjoying nature by yourself or with your loved ones.
Smithsonian birding binoculars come with superior performance and flexibility. They are:
- Lightweight
- Water-proof
- Fog proof
- And built to seal out all moisture, air, debris, dust, and fungus
When you order your set, you also get:
- A binocular case with a belt loop and detachable shoulder strap
- Special phone adaptor, that allows you to take photos & videos of your binocular view
- An exclusive Smithsonian Bird-Watching Guide, full of birding tips and information
- Rainguard & objective lens cover
- Step-by-step binoculars instruction guide