Q-Focus is the free software for both Mac OS and WIndows based PC's. Included with every USB Q-Scope, Q-Focus has user-friendly, intuitive measuring software for capturing still images and live video.

Q-Focus apps are available for Andorid and iOS for sue with Wi-Fi models.

Q-FOCUS Imaging Software

With free upgrades and support, Q-Focus has been designed to be intuitive and user-friendly without even reading the manual! The software includes two primary windows: Capture mode and Editing/Measuring mode.

Still images, time lapse or videos can be captured by using either a computer mouse or keyboard with all pictures being stored in the on-screen photo/video album. To switch from Live view to the album, simply move the cursor over any image or video. It's that easy!

Image editing and measuring is equally intuitive. After a swift calibration process, you can use a wide range of measuring tools for lines, circles, polygons and angles among others. Point and click to obtain detailed information on length, surface area, perimeter or any other specification that needs measuring. Every Q-Scope includes a calibration slide.

In addition to measuring, the Editing window also enables annotating tools that are easy to use for both professional and amateur applications.


  • FREE Q-Focus measuring software
  • Lifetime FREE software updates
  • Captures, stills, video and time lapse
  • Measuring options: line, radius, circumference, angles etc
  • Direct file copy to email
  • Annotation tools for adding notes to images
  • Available in English, Dutch, German, russian, French, Spanish, Italian and Vietnamese.