October 1st was International Day of Older Persons, an annual day to celebrate older individuals, participate in discussions around aging and health, and continue to advocate for the seniors we love and who mean so much to us!
Join us in celebrating our loved ones who embrace each new year, and keep their sense of wonder and adventure alive (no matter how many candles are on their birthday cake).
How to celebrate and show your appreciation
This October 1st, be sure to mark your calendar and reach out to the elderly loved ones in your life. Whether it’s a parent, spouse, aunt or uncle, grandparent, neighbor, mentor, colleague, or friend, here are some ways you can show you care:
Plan a day together: Is your loved one an avid bird watcher? A movie buff? An art aficionado? Whether you plan a hiking trip, a movie day, or a museum visit, this is a great opportunity to spend some quality time together doing something they love.
Give them a call: Even if you aren’t able to get there in person, a phone call goes a long way. Carve out time to check-in and chat. You’ll both be grateful for it!
Show them you’re thinking of them: Who doesn’t love seeing the look of surprise and excitement on a loved one’s face when you hand them the perfect gift. Celebrate seniors everywhere and embrace each stage of their life. We have best-sellers like the Smithsonian Great Outdoors binocular, monocular, and spotting scope sets in stock and ready to ship.
The Smithsonian Great Outdoors Binoculars Set
The perfect choice for bird watching, scientific fieldwork, or just exploring and enjoying nature.
The Smithsonian Great Outdoors Spotting Scope Set
Get closer to nature than ever before and see clear, crisp, fine details of birds and wildlife with the 20-60x 60mm objective lens, twist-up eyepiece feature, and adjustable views.
The Smithsonian Great Outdoors Monocular Set
If someone in your life is a bird-watcher, wildlife enthusiast, or nature lover who likes to travel light
and multi-task, the Smithsonian birding monocular is the perfect gift!
Each of these specialty items is lightweight, waterproof, fog-proof, and built for whatever outdoor adventure they’re thrown into.
- And they come with bonus perks! When you order your set, you also get:
- A custom phone adaptor that makes capturing and sharing pictures and videos super easy
- The official Smithsonian Bird-Watching Guide, full of valuable birding tips and information