

5 Things You Need to Know about Microscope Accessories

1. You can quickly generate a complete list of Parts& Accessories for your specific model by using our unique configurator. It is located on the main Parts& Accessories page and also to the top left of this page.

2. We classify a Microscope Accessory as being optional, or non-essential, to the function of the microscope: microscope slides, cases, microscope ring lights etc.

3. We classify a Microscope Part as being essential to the function of a microscope: microscope head, stand, objective lens etc.

4. We recommend that you Filter By Brand early in the process of selecting a given part or accessory. ,p>5. If your required accessory is not on our website, please forgive us - some microscope brands have thousands of rarely purchased items. They are probably available so call us - we almost certainly have it or can source it, quickly.

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