Mitutoyo Calipers

Mitutoyo Calipers now carries an extensive line of Mitutoyo Calipers to meet requirements of basic up to the most demanding inside/outside/step measurement applications you have. Whether in need of Mitutoyo Vernier Calipers or Mitutoyo Dial Calipers for analog measurements of an object’s diameter or thickness or Mitutoyo Digimatic Calipers for extremely accurate inspection in manufacturing, repair, woodworking applications, has you covered. Measure equipment or distances between two objects without trouble using only high precision and properly calibrated Mitutoyo Calipers built with detailed measurement work in mind. If you’re looking for best-selling units including MItutoyo 500-196-30 and Mitutoyo 500-197-30 digimatic calipers complete with ABSOLUTE encode technology or the MItutoyo 500-753-20 coolant proof caliper with IP67 rating, you’re on the right page. Check out our versatile selection of calipers below that come with different jaw styles to accommodate any of your measurement applications.
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