Phase Contrast Microscopes
Phase contrast microscopy makes use of diffracted light to provide a clearer, sharper image than traditional microscopy. Phase contrast microscopes operate by converting phase shifts in light as they pass through a transparent specimen sample to brightness changes in the observed image. While these phase shifts aren’t visible, when they’re represented as brightness variations they become observable. This is done by separating background light from the image from the light reflecting off the sample and manipulating both to provide as clear an image as possible. A phase contrast microscope accomplishes this through the use of a condenser and multiple focusing rings.
Phase contrast microscopy has plenty of applications, but it’s most useful in biology. This is because using diffracted light to observe organic material reveals a number of cell structures that would otherwise be invisible when using traditional microscopy without staining the samples. This staining usually kills organic samples, but using phase contrast microscopy enables cell observation while they’re still alive, which was revolutionary at the time and continues to provide incredible insights into the field of biology today. That’s why we carry the most advanced phase contrast microscopes you’ll find anywhere at prices you won’t believe!
Phase Contrast Microscopes
Meiji Techno
MT4210/4310 Phase Contrast Laboratory Microscope
In stock- Infinity Corrected, Phase Contrast
- Plan 4x, Semi Plan Phase 10x, 40x Objectives
- Halogen or LED Koehler Illumination
- Trinocular option for photomicrography
- Optional Ergonomic viewing head for added comfort
- Quintuple Turret for extra lens
- Lifetime Limited Warranty
- Recommended for Universities
- Meiji Techno
MT5210/5310 Laboratory Phase Contrast Microscope
In stock- 4 Research Grade, Plan Semi-Apochramatic objectives
- Phase Contrast + Zernike Condenser
- Windowpane eyepieces
- Halogen or LED illumination
- Binocular or trinocular format
- Standard or Ergonomic Inclination
- Quintuple turret for extra lens
- Lifetime Limited Warranty
- Motic
AE2000 Inverted Phase Contrast LED Microscope
In stock- Infinity Corrected Optical System
- Two Plan Phase objectives, PH4x, PH10x
- Optional PH20X objective available
- High Eyepoint N-WF 10x eyepieces
- 3W LED illumination
- Binocular, trinocular or ergonomic head
- Motic
BA310ET-PH Elite Trinocular Lab Phase Contrast Compound Microscope
In stock- EC Plan Achromatic Objectives
- 1 CCIS EC Plan Achromat - EC PL 4x
- 3 CCIS EC Plan Phase - Ph10x, Ph40x S, Ph100x S-Oil
- 6V30W Halogen illumination
- Ergonomic Design for ease of operation
- 5-Year Limited Warranty
- Recommended for Research Laboratories & Clinics