For over two decades, has been working with research institutions, labs, private businesses and universities across the USA to push the boundaries of their research with value-priced, packed-with-features microscopes and accessories. 

Horticulturists across the country are spending up to 90% less on microscopy equipment by ordering from

Institutions like the United States Department of Energy, Bureau of Land Management and U.S. National Park Service are already getting their microscopy tools from So are the fine folks at NASA, Tesla and Google.

Omano microscopes are way better than the Amscope you’re familiar with - better optics, sturdier construction, better expertise poured into them.

Every microscope comes with:

 A Limited Lifetime Warranty. If something goes wrong 10 weeks from now or 10 years from now, we’ll fix it.

 A 30-day Satisfaction Guarantee. If you don’t love yours right away, just send it back. We’ll take it, no questions asked. 

 Built-in Confidence. More than 400 colleges across the country work with

In every state, holticulturists, botanists, biologists and their studentsare pushing the boundaries of their work, and saving money on digital, compound and stereo microscopes, without losing any of the features or quality.

Here’s a rundown of the top-reviewed microscopes for horticulturists:

The best microscope for your geology students: More than 400 universities spanning every corner of the U.S. trust to deliver value to their programs, so students can learn and professors can push the boundaries of their research.

After two decades, the best rated option for students and professors is the OM124L 10x, 20x, 40x Rechargeable LED Student Stereo Microscope. This low cost, rugged microscope stands up to hard use in the field (and hard use from inexperienced users… like your enthusiastic geology students).

The best microscope for teachers and professors: The DSK-500 CMO 6.4X, 10X, 16X, 25X, 40X Dual Stereo Teaching Microscope is the best teaching microscope for your classroom of future geologists and mineralogists. It lets you work closely with your students and share the experience of investigating samples. It’s great for training, observation and more hands-on, engaging lessons. And it will help you refine your students’ skills before they hit the field.

The premium polarizing scope, for less:The OM239P 100X-630X Trinocular Polarizing Compound Microscope is the affordable trinocular solution for polarizing applications. Features like the built-in polarizers help geologists achieve the results they need, and image and video capture make annotation, cataloguing and measurement easier than ever. And with a Lifetime Limited Warranty, we’ll fix any problems you have - whether it’s 10 weeks from now, or 10 years from now.

Best Zoom Stereo Boom microscope:The OM2300S-V10 7X - 45X Zoom Stereo Boom Microscope offers some of the best value in the Omano range. It packs down and travels easily in one of these microscope cases, so you can easily move it from the lab to the field and back. It has a trinocular port option, so you can capture images and document findings in real time - a much smoother workflow than you use now.

The best microscope for field work:The pocket-sized Dino-Lite Edge Series AM5218MZTW handheld digital microscope is ready to accompany you wherever your fieldwork takes you. The aluminium alloy casting stands up to the elements, so sand and moisture don’t reduce its working life. Even in the hands of inexperienced students and new users, this digital microscope is built to last!

Join thousands of botanists, plant biologists and horticulturists from every state in making your next microscopy investment.