Write a winning classroom grant today image 1

Are you an educator who’s spending their own money on students’ school supplies? You don’t need to anymore if you can write a winning classroom grant.

Finding educator grants for enriching classrooms is not hard. One quick search on Google will lead you to web pages and lists of reliable funding programs. For example, you can easily find grants such as the Toshiba America Foundation Grants for Grades K–5, which is due on October 1, 2020. They will award $1000 to the teachers with the most creative ideas in the STEM field.

The real challenges here, however, are winning them over with your ideas and proving that your proposal is more stellar and compelling than other submissions. Yours have to stand out by persuading that your end goals are better than the rest. To do this, you have to write a solid and persuasive classroom grant proposal.

Knowing how to write a convincing grant can be tricky, though. You might spend a lot of time designing the project and giving flesh to it before you can start writing the proposal.

Don’t know how to write a classroom grant? You’re in luck because the Microscope team did the hard work for you. We wrote a guide about how to write winning classroom grants for teachers. And you can download a PDF copy of it for FREE!

Our free guide will not only help you write the grants but also help you plan and get the right support. As a result, you will be more confident in applying for numerous educator’s grants — for more chances of winning!

Learn how to write a compelling grant proposal

In our free PDF, you will learn how to:

Plan for a successful classroom grant

Plan for a successful classroom grant

While choosing the right words in the proposal definitely matters, the planning before that weighs heavier in terms of importance. You must have a clear outlook of how the ideas in your proposal will flow before you write it. You will learn how to do this first in our guide.

Prove that your school administration and community have your back.

Prove that your school administration and community have your back.

There are many types of support—make sure to get the right one. We will also teach you how you can prove to the panel that your idea is backed by your school and community.

Equip your proposal with the right components.

Equip your proposal with the right components.

A house won’t stand storms if it doesn’t have basic but robust foundations. Your proposal should have well-written, succinct parts such as an executive summary. It should also cite pieces of evidence about the existence of the problem or the validity of the idea you’re making a proposal for.

Focus on the objectives and clearly state your Whys.

Focus on the objectives and clearly state your Whys.

What do you want to achieve? And how are you going to materialize it? It’s important that you design your proposal and highlight your Whys.

Do the step-by-step application process

Do the step-by-step application process

While most funding programs have varied application processes, we provided a step-by-step guide that you can use as reference. This should give you a clear grasp of how you can navigate the application and plan for a more effective way of submitting your proposal.

Go win that grant for your classroom.

Ready to take your first step in writing a classroom grant request?
Download the 10 Important Tips on How to Write Classroom Grants for Teachers Guide by clicking the button below.